Prayer Shawls

I began weaving years ago, three and a half years before I lost my son and only child, Josiah to homicide.

Weaving is challenging, meditative and therapeutic in nature. The planning of each project and threading of the loom engages my left brain. The weaving on the other hand, stimulates my right. The shafts rise and fall in rhythm with my feet, my hands work in unison throwing the shuttle from side to side, back and forth. With each movement, the patterns evolve, handmade fabric is born. Each piece is unique and has my heart, dreams and often tears, woven within.

~ Liz Hilderbrand, Weaver
Josiah’s Mom

Would You Like to Own Some of My Weaving?

Hi, Everyone! This coming Friday I will be auctioning off two projects that I have been working on for some time. Both have been woven with tons of intention, love and craftsmanship. I have named them both for Grateful Dead songs in honor of my trip to the Gorge this past summer to complete Josiah’s…

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“Cenotes” Prayer Shawl – handwoven with 100% bamboo
“The Bees Knees” Prayer Shawl – handwoven with 100% bamboo
“Test the Waters” Prayer Shawl
“Promise of Spring” Prayer Shawl
“Queen Anne’s Grace” Prayer Shawl
“Many Moons” Prayer Shawl
“Queen Anne’s Grace” outstretched
“Web of Life” Prayer Shawl – handwoven with 100% bamboo
Work in progress
Finished and hanging on the line.
“My Heart Still Beats for You” Prayer Shawl
“Peaks and Valleys” Prayer Shawl

Are you interested in a Prayer Shawl for yourself or someone you love?

I’d love to hear from you!

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